Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 40.zip
BS1 part 40
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124 lines
-- MOVIE 2.0 --
MOVIE is in the Animation drawer.
MOVIE 2.0 now supports VIDEO size and Anim5.
Movie is a freeware utility which may be used to play back animations
created by Sculpt Animate line of products. Movie was written by
Dr. Eric Graham, author of SCULPT 3D, Sculpt-Animate 3D, Sculpt-Animate 4D,
and Sculpt-Animate 4D Jr. Movie's sound capability was added by
Ken Offer of Byte by Byte.
The CLI syntax for MOVIE is:
STACK 10000
MOVIE animfile [audiofile]
where "animfile" is the name of the RAM animation and "audiofile" is an
optional audio specification file, as explained below.
To run MOVIE from the Workbench, you need to have an icon attached to the
animation. If the animation does not have an icon attached, one may be
attached through the CLI by copying the ".info" file from an existing
animation. Actually, any PROJECT type icon will do. The type of the icon
may be checked by selecting the icon and pulling down the Workbench PROJECT
menu to the Info submenu item. Let's assume you have the 'Kahnankas.anim'
animation by Ken Offer in your external drive and a disk with the animation
'MyFirstAnim.anim' in your internal drive. The CLI command would be:
Copy df1:Kahnankas.anim.info to df0:MyFirstAnim.anim.info
To play the animation, hold down a SHIFT key and click the animation's
icon, then (while still holding down the SHIFT key) double-click the MOVIE
If the animation icon's info structure (accessed through the Workbench's
PROJECT menu INFO submenu command) has MOVIE specified as the DEFAULT TOOL
and MOVIE is on the same directory, then you may run 0the animation just
by double-clicking its icon. You may also tell your Amiga where you have
the MOVIE program by clicking in the DEFAULT TOOL text gadget and typing
in the path to the MOVIE program followed by a slash and the word MOVIE.
You may add the animation author's name to the opening screen text by
inserting it into the TOOL TYPES gadget of the animation's INFO screen.
This is done by adding a line such as "AUTHORNAME=Author Name". Case
is important. If we don't see the capital letters, you don't see the
author's name. Omit the quotes.
Another item which may be added to the TOOL TYPES is an audio
specification file, an example might be "AUDIOSPECFILE=myanim.audio".
The audio file tells Movie how and when to play back sampled sounds.
To have audio, you must have some number of IFF 8SVX "one-shot" sound
files (NOT instrument files) on the same directory as the animation,
as well as an audio specification in the following format:
| ...and so on, ending the filenames with an '*'.
|NForegroundSoundSeq (i.e. # of foreground sound frame sequences)
|Frame# Sound# (L for left channel, R for Right) Volume
|Frame# Sound# L or R Volume
|NBackgroundSoundSeq (i.e. # of background sound frame sequences)
|Frame# Sound# (L for left channel, R for Right) Volume
|Frame# Sound# L or R Volume
An Example is below:
|0 0 L 64
|15 0 R 32
|0 1 L 20
The above example will play one sound twice (2) in a cycling animation.
At frame 0, it will play sound 0 (gong) in the left speaker at maximum volume,
namely 64.
At frame 15, it will play sound 0 in the right speaker at half the
maximum volume, namely 32.
There is one background sound in this animation, which is a whistle, and
it starts on frame 0, plays in the left channel, with a volume of 20.
Valid frame numbers are 0 to n-1, where n is the number of frames in
your animation (in one complete cycle). If the number is greater than
n, the sound will not be played. You may not always know how many
frames an animation has, so it's a little hard to "retrofit" a sound
to an animation, but not too hard. The best approach is to make a
guess at a frame number and try it, this will quickly tell you how
close you are.
Valid sound numbers are 0 to n-1, where n is the number of sounds in
your animation.
Valid channels are L for left and R for right.
Valid volumes are 0 through 64.
Background sounds are sounds that start up the first time the desired
frame appears, and then cycle on their own until the program ends.
If the audio specification file cannot be found, no sound will be played.
-- Amiga-N will cause unpleasant effects and a system lockup. This is
because MOVIE makes assumtions about the viewport for speed's sake.
-- A system file requester has the same effect as Amiga-N.